Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Best Practices (Bed Prep)

The main objective of prepping a garden bed is to create a quality rich soil. A quality rich soil includes the nutrients and its structure. My partners and I have all came to the decision that the practice of Double Digging is the best way in reaching that goal.

Double Digging is a method used to get down deep and break up the soil at rest underneath the surfa
ce. The first step in double digging is having strategic method or routine that you st
ick by. This critical to have and understand before you begin digging, if not you'll definitely be overwhelmed by the piles of dirt you have laying around.

Irrigate your garden bed a day in advance before prepping, so that the water as had time to soak through the layer to loosen up the soil.

1st step
Structure yo
u first garden row in a line. Once you have determined the row where you will begin to dig you can then start. When you begin digging you will want todig about a foot deep with your shovel
and throw the excess dirt aside (on the ground or wheel barre
l) to create a trent in the garden row you have chos

2nd step
Once you have successfully dug up your trent row, you cant then grab your pitch fork and stick it in the ground about another foot and then push the handle towards you so that it can loosen and break up the soil. Make sure that the soil is loosen before moving on and repeating the process.

3rd step
Once the trent have have just dug is complete and is well broken up you can move on and create the next row. Beginning the next row is exactly the same as beginning the first one but the only difference is the instead of throwing the excess dirt aside you are throwing the surface dirt
you are digging out into the trent you just finished to fill it up. And the process will them repeat.

4th step
Here comes the compost! Once you have the bed completely prepped you want to cover it will about 4 inches of compost material and spread it evenly on the prepped soil.

You now have a successfully prepped Garden Bed Hurray!!!!!

1 comment:

John O'Reilly said...

Great detail! And I like some of the personalization you added. Do you have thoughts on compost? Any new thoughts on how to organize people to effectively finish the beds? Hard to get that many people working well together huh?