Most common pumpkin and usually the best growing, is the classic Jack O Lantern. Average wieght is about 10-20 pounds, can grow up to 50 pounds. They need lots of sunlight, up to six hours of sun a day is best. Best to grow during the cooler late summer when tempatures are around 80's and 70's. They need about 110 to 140 sunny days to grow. Plant pumpkins with seeds in hill or mounds of 3 diameters in size.Plant seeds about 6 to 8 inches apart. You want to moist the ground well before planting of when the seed is set it will soak and soften giving a bit head start on sprouting. Want to cover seed with inch of soil.Gently water so you dont take away any covering soil. Don't peek under soil will distrube plant. In about 7 to 14 days it will sprout. They get along with other plants even though their vines spread. They need much water, they are about 80 to 90 % of water.
They belong to the allium family and are considered a vegetible. They are easy to grow and grow in a short time period. Depending on the species of onion can take up to 100 to 125 days to grow from seed. Ways in which you can grow are through seeds, seedlings, and bulbs. You want to plant seeds about 3 to 4 inches apart, if double rows then 6 - 10 apart. Also you should leave room to weed. To grow healthty onions need rich and moist soil. Water daily and they need full sunlight. When harvest season comes round you want to pull onions when tops fall off. Then you want to dry onions a few days in opens air.
Onions can be used in many different ways, they can be used as seasoning form in a powder, sautaed with other veggies, grilled to perfections and just plain raw.:)
They belong to the fruit family of course. Watermelon is a long growing season take up to 90 to 100 days to grow. They also need lots of space. You want to sow seeds in hills or rows, you want 3 to 4 seeds per hill. Rows should be up to 10 ft apart. They are in need of full sunlight. Add lots of manure, compost and leaves. Worl well with soil and fertilize regularly you want to use nitrogen fertilizer. When watering make sure the the drains well. Last but no least weed regulary.
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